There is endless debate over Obamacare and what it means to the working American without healthcare. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) affects both businesses and consumers. Americans enrolled in Medicare have been trying to sort out the pros and cons. Many seniors are worried about how it affects their benefits and premium.
Medicare is in no way impacted by the ACA, so you will not need to change the care you are already receiving. The good news is without making any changes to your policy, you automatically will get increased coverage. Many Americans have been concerned that they would pay higher premiums but through reforms, the Medicare program will be solvent for at least the next decade. By reducing fraudulent usage and claims, legitimate care will be provided for those in need. The Affordable Care Act will strive to increase benefits for both patients and providers and utilize the system as it was conceived.
The Affordable Care Act gives those who qualify new benefits with Medicare. These benefits include eliminating the Donut Hole coverage gap for prescription drugs. This closes the coverage gap for prescription drugs which will keep more cash in your pocket. The ACA adds an annual Wellness visit to reduce the cost of “sick care”. It also increases free preventive services such as vaccines, screenings, and other tests for qualifying beneficiaries.
It also creates Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) – Health care providers can organize into ACOs. These organizations are held accountable for the overall care of their Medicare beneficiaries. They must have adequate participation of physicians and deliver quality care medicine to their patients. ACOs that voluntarily meet quality thresholds share in the cost savings they achieve for the Medicare program and are overseen to maintain the quality.
In the end, everyone wins with the Affordable Care Act. With the ACA, Medicare fraud is reduced, quality care from experienced and competent providers is assured and costs are reduced in the long run. Creating a health care society that strives to keep people well is what the ACA is all about. Regardless of your political views, if you have Medicare, rest assured that you will be taken care of and given quality care. The Medicare program was enacted to help people stay healthy in an affordable way. The nation’s retirees and disabled count on Medicare to lead the healthy lives they deserve. The Affordable Care Act will see that it continues to do just that.
Obamacare and Medicare

Health Insurance Online | September 6, 2013