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Health Insurance
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Health Insurance
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Medical Insurance: S-V


RA, Remittance Advice - the explanation of payment, or denial of payment, sent to the party requesting payment for services rendered.

Release of Information - legal documentation, signed by a patient, allowing either full or limited disclosure of medical treatment to specific entities.

R&C, Reasonable and Customary - an amount determined to be the average reimbursement for services rendered in a particular area, the area is defined by the zip code. (also see Allowed Amount).


Secondary Coverage - the insurance policy determined to pay second.

Self - see individual coverage.

Self Employed - individual owns and operates a business, usually needs to purchase insurance to cover him/herself.

Small Employers - 2 to 50 employees, may or may not have the means to provide medical coverage.

SPD, Summary Plan Description - Documentation that employers should provide to employees regarding what services and treatments are eligible for reimbursement, and what services and treatments are not eligible for reimbursement.

Specialty Drugs - expensive medications to treat ongoing, debilitating diseases, such as cancer.

STD, Short Term Disability - a policy that guarantees an employee's paycheck for a set length of time to assist with short-term absence due to medical reasons.

Superbill - a form used in many doctors' offices that specifies the treatment received during an office visit.

Supplemental Coverage - a policy which will pay the policyholder regardless of any other insurance programs.


Underwriting - guaranteeing payment by the insurance administrator.


Vision Care - services and treatment received to prevent or reduce symptoms of the eye, to treat poor vision.